
October 8, 2024

Artificial Intelligence is all the rage these days. Businesses everywhere are scrambling to replace workers and their demands for fair pay with cheap silicon imitations of intelligence that can operate endlessly without water breaks. Whenever workers demand fair pay, the threat of automation is held over their heads.

This is one of the reasons it is very important for workers to maintain their right to unionize. Without unionization, disgruntled workers can be fired and replaced with ease. With unionization, workers are better able to make demands on their employers to ensure pay and benefits keep up with the advancement of technology.

Large businesses used to require a room full of accountants in order to keep up with the processing of business transactions. Today they require only a fraction of staff with the majority of savings being passed on to the owners, rather than as increased pay for the workers. As technology reduces workload, the workforce is scaled down at a higher ratio. The result is less work overall spread across far fewer workers, causing an increased workload for the individual, with a minimal increase in pay.

The endless greed of the ruling class has an exponential negative impact on the wellbeing of the working class. Any effort the working class make to raise their quality of life is met with hostile resistance by the ruling class. If pay and working hours had properly scaled with the increased productivity since the widespread adoption of computers, many would be working far less for more comfort.

The entire point of creating a modern society is to craft a world better than the one we were born into. Unfortunately most of the rewards from our improvements have been absorbed by a dwindling ruling class. There are roughly 8 billion people on this planet, but less than 5 thousand billionaires. That means for every billionaire, there are 1.6 million people.

I wonder who would win in a fight?

Thank you.

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